



●●●When you go out, go to the store with temperate at 25 ℃ or higherr-keeped. The moment you felt "cold", you were dominated by the Crown Virus!外出する時は必ず室温が、25℃以上の暖かい空間へ。「寒い」と感じた瞬間、あなたは「クラウンウィルス…


◆◆◆◆People who just complain are irresponsible. Why don't you think about it yourself? Defeat the Crownvirus at lung temperatures above 36 ℃! ただ文句を言うだけ人は無責任です。まず 自分で考えてみませ1んか? 36℃以上の肺温でクラウンウイルス…


◆◆◆◆People who just complain are irresponsible. Why don't you think about it yourself? Defeat the Crownvirus at lung temperatures above 36 ℃! ただ文句を言うだけ人は無責任です。まず 自分で考えてみませんか? 36℃以上の肺温でクラウンウイルスを…


◆https://www.ameba.jp/●●●The Japanese "SAMURAI" = "Mituhide Akechi" said. "The enemy is not a crown virus. The enemy is in [pneumonia]! Heat up! Everybody !!日本の"侍"="明智光秀"は言った。「敵はクラウンウィルスではない。敵は【肺炎】に有り…


◆https://www.ameba.jp/●●●The Japanese "SAMURAI" = "Mituhide Akechi" said. "The enemy is not a crown virus. The enemy is in [pneumonia]! Heat up! Everybody !!日本の"侍"="明智光秀"は言った。「敵はクラウンウィルスではない。敵は【肺炎】に有り…


◆https://www.ameba.jp/●●●The Japanese "SAMURAI" = "Mituhide Akechi" said. "The enemy is not a crown virus. The enemy is in [pneumonia]! Heat up! Everybody !!日本の"侍"="明智光秀"は言った。「敵はクラウンウィルスではない。敵は【肺炎】に有り…


◆https://www.ameba.jp/.....................................................♣【To​​ combat​​ coronavirus.コロナウイルスに立ち向かうために。・・・・・】【To​​ increase​​ immunity,​​ the​​ body​​ temperature​​ must​​ be​​ above​​ 36​​ °​​ C.​…


◆◆You don't need to play Sex! And you are freee from Sex, too.Because the Sex is non bisines!!.....................................................♣【To​​ combat​​ coronavirus.コロナウイルスに立ち向かうために。・・・・・】【To​​ increase​​…


◆◆◆You don't need to play Sex! And you are freee from Sex, too. Because the Sex is non bisines!! ..................................................... ♣【To​​ combat​​ coronavirus. コロナウイルスに立ち向かうために。・・・・・】 【To​​ incr…


◆◆◆You don't need to play Sex! And you are freee from Sex, too. Because the Sex is non bisines!! ..................................................... ♣【To​​ combat​​ coronavirus. コロナウイルスに立ち向かうために。・・・・・】 【To​​ incr…


◆◆◆You don't need to play Sex! And you are freee from Sex, too. Because the Sex is non bisines!! ..................................................... ♣【To​​ combat​​ coronavirus. コロナウイルスに立ち向かうために。・・・・・】 【To​​ incr…


【To​ combat​ coronavirus.コロナウイルスに立ち向かうために。・・・・・】【To​ increase​ immunity,​ the​ body​ temperature​ must​ be​ above​ 36​ °​ C.​ ​ As​ for​ physical​ strength,​ sleep​ and​ nutrition​ are​ key​ points.免疫力を高めるた…


【To combat coronavirus.コロナウイルスに立ち向かうために。・・・・・】【To increase immunity, the body temperature must be above 36 ° C. As for physical strength, sleep and nutrition are key points.免疫力を高めるためには体温を36℃以上にする…